Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Onion Leaves

Onion leaves (allium sp) were planted centuries ago in China and Japan. He is a perennial plant (annual) are cultured in annual (seasonal) or biennial (two seasons). Leek plants do not produce tubers, leafy long round, and hollow like a pipe. The structure of interest is with red onions, with white flower color. Seeds of young white and after dark to black.

There are two types of onion leaves, namely onion lily (allium fistulosum) or onion Semprong / sibol and leek (allium porrum) or Leek. The first has the small tuber with round leaves, length, and hollow like a pipe. Who's who both do not have a tuber with long leaves and clay.

Onions contain a lot of leaves known saponins, tannins, and essential oils With abortion, the Onion Leaves efficacious to relieve flatulence, coughs, colds, shortness of breath because of the flu, diuretics, diaforetik, joint pain and anti-inflammatory; relieve swelling due to ulcers, and also eliminate free insect bites.


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