Sunday, July 25, 2010


Vertigo is the sensation of motion even though not actually exist. These complaints are usually described as a rotating dizziness (dizziness dizziness). This sensation may be caused by abnormalities or disorders that interfere with the function of the balance. These disorders can occur in the inner ear or brain.

Vertigo can be caused by many things actually. In addition to the balance function disorders, can also be caused by psychological disorders, the use of certain drugs, alcohol and others. Although most of the vertigo is not known why, but further tests to find the cause needs to be done. This is intended to eliminate a serious cause that may endanger lives.

Several metabolic disorders can cause vertigo, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, thyroid disease, anemia, and disorders of calcium. The cause of autoimmune also can cause this complaint, including rheumatoid arthritis (arthritis), lupus, sarcoid, and various other diseases which are rare. Infectious diseases such as syphilis can also cause vertigo. The causes of the above can be detected by laboratory examination.

viral labyrinthitis (an organ in the inner ear) is an inflammatory reaction that can occur after influenza. Vertigo that can arise spontaneously disappear, but can also just lost a few months later. Bacterial infection in labyrinthitis is a life-threatening infection, usually followed by severe vertigo, vomiting, and high body temperature. This condition requires hospitalization. Acoustic neuroma is a benign tumor on the auditory nerve or the nerve of balance that lies between the ears and brain. This can usually be cured with surgery and can be life threatening if not treated. Hearing and balance tests can identify these tumors, while MRI is needed to confirm the location of the tumor.

Mild vertigo due to a change in position is the most common cause of vertigo. This is caused by a sudden head movement, such as sleep and wake up only occur a few seconds. Meniere's syndrome is a condition where the presence of fluid in the inner ear that causes vertigo arising lost, feeling full in the ear, and hearing loss which also fluctuates and ears buzzing. Vertigo is usually gone within a few hours. In some cases hearing loss may get worse. Allergies, especially to food can lead to accumulation of fluid in the inner ear and symptoms similar to Meniere's syndrome. Identification and treatment of allergy symptoms are usually reduced.

Various neurological problems, such as multiple sclerosis, brain infections and brain tumors can cause vertigo. Balancing test will tell if the cause coming from the inner ear or the central nervous system.


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